Wednesday, March 12, 2008

There's only us, there's only this

(Movie Quotes Quiz in previous entry. Answers will be posted tomorrow [probably].)

Cruise Chatter

I snagged a new pair of shoes at the mall last night.

They are cute, no? And when I have them on my feet, they look really cute from a side view. But from a front view, they make my feet look incredibly stumpy--I think it's something about where that ankle strap is located, plus the fact that the part that covers the toes is really short. And it's not like I have big or long feet to begin with. I might return them--but, with black hosiery, the stumpy-foot issue might not be such a problem. Because other than that, they are pretty perfect--the heel is just the right height and not too skinny, and the ankle strap will keep my feet from slipping out. And they will go perfectly with several outfits--namely, several cruise-worthy outfits.

Yup, I'm already thinking about clothing for the cruise. Hey, I figure now is as good a time as any to start shopping--look for bargains, etc. But first things first--I spent a few minutes last night going through my closet, to see what I already had. And in my hunt through the dark, dusty back corners of my closet, I came across this forgotten little gem...

I bought this dress while I was in college, and the last time I wore it was almost 10 years ago, on our honeymoon, when we went to see Les Miserables in New York City. So it's just chock-full of sentimental value. How cool would it be to celebrate my 10-year anniversary by wearing a dress I last wore mere days after we were married? Not to mention that it's a size 6 and it still fits. (I know it looks really "wide" in this pic, but trust me--it fits me fine.)

Now, be honest with me, girls--what do you think of the dress? I mean, after all, it is 10 years old. And I'm sure my judgment is clouded by the aforementioned sentimentality of it all. Do you think it's cute, and cruise-worthy? Or outdated? Or just "yuck"?

Here I am jabbering on about cruise clothes, and I forgot to tell you the best news of all... Tony went in to AAA yesterday and officially booked our cruise. We are really doing this! He put down a deposit, plus paid for our flights, so that's one major thing that's completely set. We got non-stop flights both into and out of Miami, which I'm thankful for--hopefully that means there's less of a chance of them losing our luggage. On the last day of our vacation, the cruise ships docks in the morning, but our flight isn't until at night, so we are going to rent a car and just chill in Miami for the day. Should be a nice, relaxing way to ease back into the "real world" after spending a week at sea.

Other News

I haven't updated on the plans for New York City, so here's your update... we are going to see Rent in exactly one week. We're going to drop Ari off with my mom in the morning, head to the city, get lunch (possibly with our friend who will be there that day), see the 2 PM matinee of Rent, eat dinner, and head home. I am so excited about it. We were just listening to the soundtrack in the car last night--I love the energy behind the music.

Also, Tony made an appointment to take my car in tomorrow to get a new stereo. I haven't pushed the issue, because I keep telling myself it's not really a necessity, and I've gone this long without it, etc. But Tony took the initiative to get it done for me, and I'm sure not going to argue. And I'm sure as soon as it gets installed, I'll be going, "Oh my gosh, how did I go so long without this?!"

The Ari Show

I haven't done an Ari update in a while, and it seems fitting to title this section "The Ari Show" because she is turning into such a little ham--and she totally knows it, too. She makes these goofy faces for no other reason than to get a smile or a laugh out of us.

She loves fruit right now--apples, strawberries (which she calls "apples"), blueberries, pineapple (which she also calls "apples," but I can see how she'd get confused), bananas, etc. I'm just glad she's into some healthy foods, so we've been buying fruit left and right.

Lately, she has decided she needs to preface every sentence with a sharp, "Ma!" It's her way of getting my attention, I suppose. But it still sounds really funny. "Ma! [Jibberish, jibberish.] Ma! [Blah blah blah.]" And on and on it goes.

I was goofing around with her the other day, and I opened up a tube of lip gloss and put some on her lips. Now, she will hunt down that tube of lip gloss (it sits on my nightstand), pop the cap off like a pro, and rub it all over her lips (and, uh, the skin around her lips, too). She did it last night for Tony, and he was cracking up. "I only showed her how to do that once," I told him.

She understands so much now, and is very good at telling us what she wants. If you offer her food she doesn't want, she will emphatically tell you "no" (usually followed by some unintelligible babbling which, I assume, is her telling us what she does want instead). When I put her to bed, she will point at certain stuffed animals that she wants to hold on to (her new favorite is the Build-a-Bear we made for her before she was born).

She totally understands the concept of "going bye-bye," and, typical of most kids her age, she gets very excited about going somewhere. I was putting her coat on her the other day, and she very clearly asked for her hat. She also knows she needs shoes to go bye-bye, and she knows what we mean when we tell her we're going to the mall to play. And even when we're not planning to go anywhere, she will sometimes ask to go bye-bye. The other day, she even grabbed her toy purse as she asked.

Last night, we were at the play area in the mall, and she spent several minutes climbing up some stairs and sliding backwards down the slide. She's not quite brave enough to go forward, but going backwards on her belly was perfect for her. After she got bored with that, she came over to us, grabbed at her stroller and said, "Bye-bye?" Apparently, she was done playing and ready to go. I asked her if she wanted to go shopping instead, and she latched on to that word. "Oppy? Oppy?" She happily cooperated as I put her shoes on and strapped her in the stroller.

Wearing lip gloss, asking to go shopping... yup, she's a girl all right.


Moz + Pam said...

Your dress looks all sparkley, is it? Anything like that should be fine. I understand you both have to dress for dinner each night. So you'll need several dresses! Your shoes are tres chic! Very cute, too! Ari is such a girl now! LOL! She's adoreable! Happy cruise shopping, if you'd like company sometime just let me know! :)

Mary said...

Ooh, those are very cute shoes. It doesn't seem like they'd make your feet look stumpy, but since you can see your feet and I can't, you're probably a better judge of that than I am.

I remember that dress! That's awesome that you still fit into it. I have this gorgeous dress Mom bought me for Easter when I was down at school, and I would love to fit into it again. Josh would love it too, cause I remember he used to tell me how good I looked in it. Anyways, enough about my life, I don't think it looks outdated. It's hard for a little black dress to go out of style, unless of course it's got massive shoulder pads from the 80s or a bunch of ridiculous frills or something like that. Now get a nice gold bracelet to complete the ensemble!

Ari sounds like a very funny kid. I'm sure my kid will be cracking me up in no time (well once he arrives anyway, and hopefully he won't be into shopping and lip gloss ;) ). And yeah, if she's into the fruit, go for it. Remember how Dad was always trying to get us to eat fruit when we were teenagers? Enjoy it while it lasts :)