Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter weekend

This was the first official weekend of spring, but it sure didn't feel like it. It wasn't freezing or anything, but it just didn't feel like it was about to be Easter. I guess that's what happens when Easter falls so early in the year.

Matt, Kristin and Nicholas came over on Saturday night for pizza and then a round of Mario Party on the Wii after the kiddos went to bed.

Ari and Nick are quickly becoming good friends.

She picked a fuzzy off the couch, and then tried to eat it. Weirdo.

Matt and Nick were wrestling, and Ari got such a kick out of it.

So Matt decided to let Ari fill in for him, and Nick wasted no time in tackling her.

But he was also a gentleman, and allowed her to feel like she was winning for a few moments. (I love the way they're smiling at each other in this picture.)

He was lulling her into a false sense of security.

Annnnnd, she's no longer having fun.

It's such a riot to watch them play--he is all boy, so much rougher than she is. She held her own pretty well with the wrestling, but as you saw, he got the best of her. At one point during the evening, he latched onto my leg as I walked by him. My first thought was, Oh, how sweet, he's trying to give me a hug. Then I realized he was really just trying to take me out. It's so funny to me how differently he plays, compared to Ari.

Today was Easter, and it was a struggle to get any decent pictures of Ari in her dress. But I did my best. This is the only picture I got of her with the barrette in her hair. Once she forgot it was there, she didn't mind it, but one careless swipe to her head quickly disposed of it.

We put a sweater over her dress because it was so cold. I love this picture--I just wish the lighting was better.

Our church had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids right after the service, and they let all the really little kids get a head start on the others. Tony helped her find eggs while I took pictures.

I love this shot--she's looking right at the egg.

She lost interest in the eggs pretty quickly--she was just thrilled to be outside. She loves being outside, regardless of how chilly it is.

She was just as thrilled about this stick as she was about any of the Easter eggs.

Enjoying the great outdoors...

Her dress came with a matching overcoat, and this is the best shot I got of it. The inner lining of the coat matches the pattern of the dress.

We went to my parents' house after church for dinner. Here she is opening her Easter gifts from my parents.

And, some mother-daughter shots.

She was telling me a story...

...and showing me her toys.

And the whole family.

And that's all. I am off to bed because tomorrow is the start of a brand-new, long week, and I need some sleep.


Moz + Pam said...

Love all the pics but especially the family photo @ the end! Easter was fun yesterday having you 3 here! After all, what's a holiday without kids & grandkids anyway?

Mary said...

She and Nick are so cute playing together! I like her Easter dress too, especially that it comes with a matching overcoat--how adorable is that? :)

Our church usually does an Easter egg hunt, but they are waiting til April for it to get warmer. You just never know with this weather. We even had some flurries yesterday for a little bit. Craziness.

Dave + Jess said...

LOVE Ari's Easter dress! Girls are definitely more fun to dress than boys, so there's a plus to having a girl. I love the little overcoat that goes with the dress, hopefully she'll be able to wear it again before she grows out of it!

Mary said...

I was looking at these pictures again, and I just wanted to say that you guys have such a pretty little girl on your hands. She's gonna be a heartbreaker someday :)