Monday, March 3, 2008

Saga of sickness

So the saga of sickness continues in our household. Tony went to the doctor on Friday, and they prescribed him a different antibiotic--I forget the name, but it's something that ends in "-mycin" (and, no, it's not erythromycin). He's supposed to be on that for 4 or 5 days, and hopefully that will kick the last bit of illness out of his system. He does seem to be feeling better, though--he's more like his old self.

Ari slept in really late on Saturday (something like 10 or 10:30), and when she woke up, she spent the whole day crying/moaning (with brief intervals of silence) and refusing to eat. Her only symptom seemed to be a slight fever, so we assumed it was her 2-year molars bothering her. Then on Sunday morning, she was worse--still constantly crying, and now sporting a disgusting runny nose (in other words, fun-colored snot) and a bit of a cough. She was miserable at church, but once I left her in the nursery, she was fine. After church, we went out to lunch, and she fell asleep in the car, without her binky--which should show you how worn out she was. But at the restaurant, she was perfect the whole time--she ate only one or 2 bites of her chicken, but she kept herself content and entertained. When we got home, she took a 3-hour nap and once she woke up, she wanted nothing more than to cuddle with one of us on the couch. It was only around 8 PM or so that she started showing signs of life--she actually got off the couch and played with a couple toys.

Tony said she slept late today, too, but seems to be a little better--her nose seems to have dried up a little and she's a bit more cheerful and active. He said she brought him her sneakers, then grabbed her toy purse, and started saying "Bye-bye? Ty-Ty?" (Ty-Ty is Tyler, one of her little friends.) She really seems to be in love with Ty-Ty lately--I guess we need to warn her boyfriend Nick that he has some competition.

Moving on to happier topics... on Friday night, we went to a Casting Crowns concert, which was awesome. The concert started at 7:30 and was still going on when I left at 10:30. The reason I left early was to go pick up Ari--Brandon and Kerry were babysitting her, and knowing that neither of them are night owls, I didn't want to be too late getting her (and if I stayed until the end of the concert, I would have gotten stuck in traffic with everyone leaving at the same time). I had completely forgotten about the predicted snowstorm until I stepped outside into a 1/2-inch of the white stuff. It was a perfect powdery snow, too--clearing off my car was so easy, I swear, I probably could have just blown on the car, and the snow would have gone away. But driving in it was not so fun. It took me forever just to get back to the highway. The highway was slightly better, but not too much--there was just enough snow cover to make it hard to see the lanes. But I made it home safe and sound, and later got a phone call from Tony, who had decided to go to Denny's with Greg and Wayne (his ride home). Crazy guys.

Saturday night, we went to my parents' for dinner, to celebrate Mom's birthday. Dave and Jess were in town this weekend, so it was good to see them too, as well as Jess's little baby belly. She's just barely showing (if you didn't know she was pregnant, you'd never know), but there is definitely a little bump there. We had a nice night, though, and Mom loved her gift from us. Remember those pendants I posted pictures of last week? Well, I had one made for Mom, too, using this picture of Ariana and Olyvia, in black and white (cropped to be vertical, zoomed in on their faces).

In other news, I really need to go shopping for some new black pants. My favorite pair--the ones I wear all the time--are getting so loose on me that I'm almost afraid they'll just fall off soon. It's a good problem to have, don't get me wrong, but I really need to set aside some time for shopping.

Speaking of shopping, I bought Ari some shoes the other day. I haven't had to buy shoes for her for a long time, since she's been well-supplied with hand-me-downs, but she's outgrowing her size 4s right now, and only has a couple pairs of dressy shoes in size 5. So I was on the hunt for casual shoes. I was torn between these shoes...

... and these.

So naturally, I ended up getting both. Especially since the white ones were 5 1/2, so I could justify them even more ("Well, they'll fit her even longer than the brown ones...")

I also need to think about Tony's birthday, which is coming up on Saturday (note to self: buy a card). I've already mentioned the idea of going to NYC to see Rent, but now I need to start actually working on the details and seeing if it can happen. First order of business--figure out a date, and see if I can get that day off work and get a babysitter for Ari.


Eden said...

Glad to hear that Tony is on the mend. It's no fun to have a hubby who isn't quite himself b/c he doesn't feel good.

Hope Ari gets to feeling better and no more fever.

Great idea of a pendant for mom. Did you get a pic of it before you gave it to her?

Oh, we love Casting Crowns! Maybe they'll come out our way sometime!

We recently bought Olyvia some new shoes (it seems that her feet are growing fast - we buy her new shoes every month).

I love the brown shoes!

Mary said...

Ya'll are a bunch of sickos! You need to sterilize your house or something. I wonder if Sasha and Ivan can catch stuff like this?

While your clothes are getting too big, my clothes are getting to small. And I'm talking about maternity clothes! The top of my pants slide down more easily, and some of my shirts don't give as much coverage of the belly like they used to. Ok kid, you can come any time now :)

Dave + Jess said...

Ari was so fun to play with on Saturday night!! You could tell she wasn't feeling well, but she was still a good sport and amused her Auntie Jess for a good while.

I felt bad, I was soooo tired after Yana's shower. I tried to take a nap before we went over your parents' house, but that didn't work out too well considering the house was still full of people! Oh well, I had fun and Mom's bday cake was the yummiest I've had in quite a while!