Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feeling ill and feeling good

Tony just called me, and he is sick again. Or still. Not sure which it is, but he sounds croaky and horrible, and this makes going on 3 weeks he's been ill. First, it was a cold. Then it changed into a sinus infection. So he went to the clinic and got amoxicillin to treat it, only to discover several days later (via a nasty, itchy rash all over his body) that he's allergic to amoxicillin. Then he went to Snow Camp last weekend--the rash was fading, but still there--on prednisone and Benadryl to counteract the rash. While at Snow Camp, he took several nasty spills on the ice, resulting in some pretty impressive bruising and general aches and pains. When he got home, he was of course exhausted from the weekend--being up late, being out in the cold weather all day, etc. Last night, he was complaining of a very sore throat, and today, he just sounds awful. The poor guy can't catch a break. I told him last night he needs to get better soon, because he's just not himself. Not that he's been super-cranky or anything--I doubt I would be handling this many ailments so gallantly--but you can just tell he's not his usual self. I miss him.

I know--I'm such a sap, huh? I just want him to feel better. I'm really surprised I haven't caught anything from him. Usually, I'm the one who's sick more often than him. Uh, I should probably go knock on some wood now...

Prepare for an abrupt change of subject, starting... now!

Four has been one of my "lucky numbers" for a long time now. It all goes back to high school. My friends and I developed a number system by assigning numbers to all our friends, boyfriends/crushes, enemies, and school administrators, so that we could easily gossip about them without anyone knowing. (I know--weren't we oh-so-clever and devious?) For whatever reason, I chose the number 4 to represent my crush at the time, and my personal number was 16 (4 x 4... get it?). I even wrote down our entire code one time (I know--dumb move, right?), but I'm sure it's long since been discarded. But that's not important. The only point of this story is to tell you that the number 4 has a long history of being my lucky/favorite number. Let's take a brief look at how the number 4 has impacted my life, shall we?

Four is the number of siblings I have.

Four is the number of siblings-in-law I currently have.

Four is the number of people in my immediate family (not counting my spouse or in-laws) with birthdays in March.

Four is (approximately) the number of weeks I was overdue before I was born (once again... I am so sorry, Mom).

Four is the number of years it took me to get my BA in English.

Four is the number of years I knew Tony before we got married.

Four is the number of times I've thought about chocolate already today. (Wait... make that 5... 6... OK, moving on...)

Four is the number of e-mails I've already written today.

And last, but certainly not least (and, truthfully, the entire reason for this silly list)... four is the number that was on the tag of the pants I tried on last night. Sure, they were too snug for my liking, but the point is, I could zip and button them, and move and sit down in them. And I totally bought them, simply so I can always look back on this momentous time in my life and say, "Yeh, I once owned a pair of size 4 pants." (OK, fine, two pairs. So I was a little delusional.) I am so shallow. But I don't care, because... hello... size FOUR, people! I have worked long and hard for this, and I think I have earned a little narcissism. Don't worry... I'll be over it soon.

(This entry was brought to you by the letter F and the number 4.)


Moz + Pam said...

Number 13 is our lucky/significant number! Dad grew up on 13th Street, my eye accident was on Dec. 13th, my first date with Dad was Dec. 13th, we were married on Feb. 13th, our first baby was born on Dec. 13th (you!) & my cancer surgery was on Sept. 13th!! CONGRATULATIONS on getting into a size 4!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooo jealous!!

Mary said...

Sara, you're weird. And Mom, it doesn't sound so lucky to have your eye hurt or to have surgery. Oh wait, you said "significant" too, so that applies. Moving on...

Sara, did you know my favorite number is 16 because I knew it was yours when we were younger? I wanted to be just like my big sis!

As for size 4 pants, that is awesome! I don't think I ever fit into a size 4. I went right from children's sizes to an 8 in misses. That's the lowest number I remember seeing on a tag. Or was it a 10? Yeah, maybe a 10.

That stinks that Tony is still sick. What a bummer! I understand how you feel. For a week last year Josh had a fever and didn't go to work. It was so strange to see him not feeling well for that long, and Tony's on his third week! Hopefully he can lick this thing and get it out of the house. And hopefully you and Ari don't catch what he has. Feel better, Tony!

Eden said...

Totally enjoyed your list about the #4! I don't have a number thing, I don't think. I'll have to sit down sometime and think about it.

Congrats on the size 4 tag!

Sorry to hear that Tony is not doing so hot. Hope he gets better soon and that the rest of you don't get it.

Eden said...

more ari pics please!!!

Dave + Jess said...

I like your 4 theme! I definitely couldn't make a list like that.

:( Sorry to hear about Tony. Is he going to go back to the doctor? Three weeks of sickness can't be a good thing!

GREAT job with getting into size 4 pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm already undoing the top button of mine, so I fear I won't be seeing size 4 for a bit. Although I'm very determined not to gain anything more than baby weight, so it might not be as long as I think. Baby might have other plans, but we shall see. He was in desperate need of a bean burrito from Taco Bell at 8:30 last night. But he didn't have a big dinner, so I was very understanding and complied...

33 kisses to that cute Ari face!