Saturday, February 23, 2008

You give me fever*

So, as predicted, I stayed home from work on Friday with a sick kiddo. When I picked her up at the babysitter's on Thursday evening, she was burning up and doing that constant pathetic-whiny noise kids do when they're sick--you know, the kind of noise that just reaches down through your eardrums and tears your heart out because it's just so SAD. I made the decision then and there that I wouldn't be going to work--her fever plus the coming snowstorm was more than enough of an excuse to stay home.

Friday morning, her fever seemed to be gone, and she was her angelic little self all morning. Didn't eat much, but that's no surprise, because she never eats well for me. She certainly drank enough, so no worries about dehydration. I put her down for her nap around 2 PM, fell asleep myself a little while later on the couch, and woke at 5:30 to discover she was still asleep. I woke her up, and she was on fire again. I brought her downstairs with me, and she wanted nothing more than to just sit next to me on the couch--highly unusual for her. When I got up to make her dinner, she moaned, but didn't even have enough energy to get up off the couch and follow me to the gate at the kitchen doorway like she usually does. She picked at her supper and spent the rest of the evening huddled next to me on the couch. Every so often, she'd move around a little, and show signs of life (like clapping for the contestants on Jeopardy--seriously), but she mostly held still. I even kept her up almost an hour past her bedtime, just for the snuggling. (Yes, I tried to tell myself it was because she had slept late in the morning and taken such a long nap, but really, I just didn't want to let go of her.)

She woke up a couple times during the night, which gave me a chance to re-Tylenol her and change her diaper, and she slept late again this morning. She seems to have no other symptoms besides this come-and-go fever, so whatever it is that she's coming down with, it seems like her body is doing its darnedest to fight it off.

I left her in her crib this morning while I got ready and shoveled out my car. When it came time to get her ready, I held out my arms and said, "Hey, ready to get dressed?" Her response was to flop down onto her belly with a mischievous grin on her face--that's her new thing. "Come on, don't you want to go bye-bye?" I asked, sure that that would get her up. She replied by burying her face in the blankets. "Hey, we're going to go shopping," I tried.

Immediately, her head popped up. "Oppy?" she asked.

"Yes, shopping. Let's go." From that point on, she asked me about every 5 minutes, "Oppy? Oppy?" To which I patiently replied, "Yes, we're going shopping." I guess she's getting to that age where you can't tell her about anything too far in advance, or you're going to hear of nothing else until it happens.

After I got her in the car, and climbed into my seat, again she asked, "Oppy?"

"Yes, we're going shopping--right now."

She answered clearly with a "Yay!" which made me burst out laughing. Where does she get this stuff?

When we got to Target, she played shy with the friendly pharmacist who said hi to her, but proceeded to say an enthusiastic "Hi!" to nearly every person we passed throughout the store. I guess she only likes to be friendly when she's the one who initiates it.

We passed one of those huge cage thingamajigs that's full of giant rubber balls. Ari cried, "Ball!" and proceeded to grunt unhappily as we passed it. "You have one at home," I reminded her, referring to the giant rubber ball that she convinced Daddy to buy her the last time the two of them were at Target together. "Mommy's not a sucker like Daddy is," I added.

Tony is having a fabulous weekend so far. I got a call from him last night, where he reported that he'd fallen no less than 4 times already on the icy snow. There's a fresh coating of snow on the ice below it, which makes it hard to tell where the ground is slippery. Tony said one of the times he fell, he hit his head so hard that his teeth were hurting afterwards. I texted him this afternoon to ask him how many times he'd fallen today, and he said none so far. So, yeah, my husband is in upstate New York, possibly with a concussion or something. Let's hope the rest of his weekend is uneventful.

I'm off to attempt to give Ari a bath--which should be an adventure in itself. For some reason, she's decided she's no longer a fan of bathtime.

***** EDIT *****

Just edited to add this video of the always gorgeous Johnny Depp, from the movie "Benny and Joon." I was watching this movie on TV and realized the movie is almost 15 years old. And to me, Johnny looks just as good now as he did back then. Oh yeh, and it's a great movie too. I love this song... it will now be in my head the rest of the night.


Moz + Pam said...

So sorry to hear Ari's sick! :( Poor baby! How are you holding up? Hope you don't get her fever! Sounds like she was feeling better going shopping & all! Maybe she's on the mend! :)

Eden said...

Hope Ari is feeling better soon.

Shopping seems to run in the family. I rarely go shopping, but Olyvia has picked up that word and asks almost everyday to go shopping and to ride in the cart! lol

Olyvia is the same about saying "hi" to everyone. Isn't it neat?!?! I love it because it lets her interact with other people.

Anyway...hope you have a fun weekend with Ari!

Mary said...

Glad you had some girl bonding with your daughter. Too bad she wasn't feeling well, but I think I would have taken advantage of her cuddliness too ;). How funny that she clapped for the contestants, and the shopping story is so funny! She's such a girl--the thought of shopping perks her up and makes her day :)

Dave + Jess said...

I stayed home from work on Friday, too. It was so nice! Even though Ari wasn't feeling well, it sounded like you both had a relaxing day. Hope she is feeling better now!

And I hope Tony survived his weekend in the ice and snow. Upstate NY is brutal this time of year, so you can't blame a guy for slipping and falling a few times.

Hope to see you guys this weekend!