Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pendants, parroting, and planning

Let us take a moment to stand in awe of my amazing alliteration skills in that terrific title...

Before I begin, I have to sing the praises of my friend Kim, who made these lovely pendants for me. Please ignore the crappiness of the photo and believe me when I say that this picture does them no justice.

And in case you're curious, these are the originals:

I am so, so in love with these pendants, and she did such a good job with them.


OK, moving on, with more Ari stories. She didn't take a nap yesterday until about 4:30, so around 6:30 I woke her up, because she needed to eat some supper and not be up all hours of the night. She was not at all happy about being woken up (hmm, I don't know where she gets that from) and made her discontent well known. So we caved, and put Nemo on for her, just to settle her down. It worked like a charm, and Tony and I were able to get a few things done.

Now that she's watched Nemo several times, she's starting to talk along with the movie. For example, in the scene where the tank gang initiates Nemo into their "club," she chants along with them--"Ah, hoo hoo, ah, hoo hoo." And Tony told me she also squawks, "Mine, mine" along with the seagulls. This almost makes me want to let her watch the movie more often, just to hear what other cute stuff she will say. Yes, some parents teach their kids letters and numbers and colors--but my goal for my kid is to have her quoting movies. I've got my priorities straight.

I went out to do some errands last night, and I had barely set foot in Target when my phone rang. I figured Tony was calling to add something else to my list, but instead, he had an Ari story. He said she had taken a paper towel, laid it flat on the coffee table, and put her baby doll on top of it, all the while saying, "Bah-poo, bah-poo" (her word for "diaper"). Then she took another paper towel and laid it on top of the doll. Once he had finished telling me the story, he quickly hung up so that he could take a picture with his phone to send to me. Now, if only I could teach her how to change her own diaper...


I need to set aside some time to go birthday-card shopping. I know, it probably sounds odd to say I need to schedule time to buy cards, but let me put it to you this way--my family has lots of birthdays in March, starting on March 1. There's my mom, my brother, Tony, my sister, my sister-in-law, my dad and Tony's dad. Plus a lady from church invited Ari to her 4-year-old's birthday party, so there's another card and gift. So if you don't feel like counting, let me do it for you--that's 8 people that need cards, and several of those people also need gifts. And since I'm the type of person who likes to read pretty much every card on the rack, in search of the perfect card, this could take a while.

Speaking of gifts, I'm working on planning this trip to NYC for Tony's birthday. I definitely want to get us tickets to see Rent, and of course you can't go to the city without eating at least one decent meal. So I know what we want to do--I just need to figure out when we're going. The first 3 Saturdays of March are booked with various birthday parties, and Rent doesn't have any matiness during the week, like most Broadway shows do. There is a Sunday matinee, but that would never work because of church. So either we go to a Sunday night show, or a nighttime show during the week. I'm thinking if we went on a weekday, I could take 2 half-days off work... for example, work Monday morning, then head to the city in the afternoon, see the show, head home really late, then sleep late the next day and go in to work for the afternoon. Sounds feasible, right? Of course, we also have to find a sitter for Ari. And a friend of ours is going to be in NYC for a few days for some work-related class--it would be nice if we could plan our trip for when he's there, since I'm sure he'll be bored when he's not in class. See how complicated a little day trip can be? This is why we need a travel agent to help us with our cruise--there's no way I could figure out the details without going insane.

Oh my gosh, we're going on a cruise! Sometimes I still have to pinch myself... Ow. Anyway... we're going on a CRUISE!


Eden said...

The pendants are very nice. Love them.

Isn't it neat when our kids immitate movies?!?!? Olyvia does the same with Nemo. Although, she hasn't watched Nemo in over a month. Hmmm, maybe I should dig it out and try to squeeze it into our schedule today. I love it when Olyvia immitates the initiation chant! Please post a video of Ari doing it???

Love the diaper story!

I meant to be on top of the whole card thing this year, but haven't been. Although, I did just receive my first birthday card for this year in the mail yesterday. I'm soooo behind. I need to get back on track asap. I need to go shopping too.

Have fun planning Tony's birthday trip to NYC.

Mary said...

Ooh, those pendants are very pretty. What a neat idea. Nemo is awesome. Every child should watch it and quote it :) And yeah, teach her to change her own diaper--that would be pretty impressive, not to mention messy ;)

Hmm, I wonder who that card is from, Eden? ;) If it's not from me, then mine is on the way. I sent it out early cause I'm afraid I'll forget with the baby coming. Which means I might send Olyvia's gift soon. We'll see.

Back to Sara, yay for a cruise!!

Moz + Pam said...

What adoreable pendants! You realize you're making your daughter a total Disney-head! Cool! :)