Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

I'm going to see my sister today!

I'm leaving work at 2 in order to get home, finish packing, and allow plenty of time to get to the airport in plenty of time. My flight leaves around 6, stops in Cincinnati, and ends in Dayton, Ohio, where hopefully someone will be waiting to pick me up.

I absolutely cannot wait to go. I think I'm almost as excited about the flying itself as I am about seeing my sister--there's something so thrilling about being sucked back into your seat and listening to the roar of the engine as the plane leaves the ground. But who am I kidding--there's no way the experience of flying is going to compare to seeing my sister, my brother-in-law, and best of all, my brand-new little nephew.

More than likely, I won't have the chance to do any blogging while I'm gone, since I'll be busy having oodles of fun with my sister and snuggling with my nephew. So you all will have to struggle along without me for a few days. Don't do anything exciting while I'm gone.


Eden said...

Have a wonderful time, Sara! Give little Matthew tons of extra kisses from us here in CA. We'll be praying for you to have a safe trip to and from.
Will miss your almost daily blog, though.

Mary said...

Wait, you're coming here?! Today?!? Oh no I totally forgot! ;)

Moz + Pam said...

LOL to Mary's comment! What a silly girl! I'm so glad you'll have some sister-time! ENJOY! I know you BOTH will have a great bonding tme!

Dave + Jess said...

You're going to have so much fun, Sara!!!!!!!!!!!! Take lots of pictures and post them asap!! Give those cheeks of Matthew 101 kisses from me and D and Baby. Hope the airport security/flight went well!!