Monday, April 21, 2008

I love you more

Our weekend flew by. Friday night, our church had a ladies' fellowship, so I was home for literally all of 15 minutes after work before heading back out. Tony had been out with Ari at the park (not the one in our apartment complex), but he made a point of being home when I was there, so I could see Ari.

Saturday morning, we participated in a walk-a-thon for a local organization that provides help and services to pregnant girls/women--everything from legal and medical help to providing clothes and supplies. The weather was perfect for it--a bright, sunny day, warm without being too hot. It took us about an hour to do the walk, and Ari was content to take in the sights from her stroller. She even scored a balloon, which she was thrilled about.

We got home, had lunch, and put Ari down for a nap. After she woke up, we headed to Matt and Kristin's house. It's been a while since we've been there--they've been coming to our place lately. We let the kids play outside for a while--they had a blast drawing on the driveway with chalk and playing with Nicholas's millions of balls. Matt made dinner and dessert, and after we had digested for a little bit, we all went for a walk around their neighborhood. The kids rode in Nick's wagon, which I pulled for about half the walk. There was one small hill, too, so I got a good workout lugging the wagon up that hill. After the kids went to bed, Tony and Kristin (the horror-movie lovers) managed to convince me and Matt (obviously, the horror-movie haters) to watch a vampire movie called "30 Days of Night." I closed my eyes for most of the gruesome scenes, and then tried to amuse myself by making fun of the characters for stupid things they did, or trying to guess what the characters were going to say before they said it. I hope this means that next time, Matt and I get to pick the movie.

Then Sunday was church as usual, and in the evening, we dropped Ari off with my parents for another overnight stay, then spent some time hanging out with Pastor, Dawn, Brandon and Kerry. Dawn and I went for a walk after Brandon and Kerry left, while Pastor and Tony watched the end of the John Adams miniseries (which they are both in love with). We walked for a good 45 minutes, but it didn't feel like it. Of course, we chatted non-stop, which was great. Sometimes you just need a good gab session with a girlfriend, even if it's just chatter about unimportant stuff. It was a good end to a busy weekend.

Hmm, well that was a pretty boring recap, huh? Will Ari pictures make up for it?

I had to get some pictures of Ari in the dress she wore to church yesterday, because it was just too cute. She was wearing tights, but she stumbled on the pavement and ripped a small hole in one knee. Then during the car ride to church, she stuck her finger in the hole and made it much worse, so I just took the tights off.

Something about this picture makes her seem so prim and proper. She can be such a prissy little girl sometimes, and then at other moments, she's a total tomboy. It's a good balance, I think.

She found a fascinating stick in the yard.

I'll end with this comic that cracked me up, because Tony and I do this all the time--we'll go back and forth with "I love you" and "I love you more" and "I love you the most" (you get the idea) until one of us gives in and just says, "Yeah, you're right." (I know the image looks cut off, but you're not missing anything--that's the last frame.)


Moz + Pam said...

Love the dress on Ari! She looks like such a delicate little lady. Is that one of the dresses we gave her for Christmas?

Mary said...

Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Perfect weather for walking outside, and it's nice you had some girl gab time--that's always fun :)

Her dress is really cute, and I love those shoes!

Eden said...

Glad you had awesome weather this weekend! It's been cold around here! Ari looks soo cute in her little dress. I love dressing Lyvi up for Sunday church. Hanging with friends is always fun!

Dave + Jess said...

CUTE DRESS!! It's adorable! That's one perk to having a girl, the clothes selection is absolutely adorable. She just looks so girly!

The weather was amazing this weekend, I love spring!!!

Dave + Jess said...

Jess and I have a different version of it:

"I love you!"

"I love you more!"

"NOT possible!"
