Friday, April 25, 2008

Wood bees, killer bees--same thing

I could have sworn I mentioned that Tony and Ari were leaving for a few days, but a quick skim of my past few entries tells me that's not the case. Anyway, he wanted to go down and see his mom for her birthday, and of course he couldn't make a trip to see his family without bringing Ari. I didn't have enough vacation time from work to join him, so that's why I'm home alone. I'm sure you all figured that out already, though, so on with the entry.

I only saw one killer bee (I know they're "wood bees" but I'm going to keep calling them killer bees) yesterday, and he merely swooped by my head before soaring up over the roof and out of sight. I swear I heard him laughing maniacally as he zoomed away.

In other critter news... I heard an odd snapping noise last night, and thought nothing of it until I saw Ivan staring at the closet door, alert and still. This is the closet where we keep the dog food. And the closet where we set the mousetrap. I waited a little while, then investigated with a flashlight, and sure enough, the trap had caught its prey. I called Tony to ask him how to dispose of the mouse--it's a quick-death trap, but the kind that's all enclosed so that you don't have to touch the carcass. Tony gave me a long, detailed explanation which made no sense to me (and I was too lazy to try doing it while I was on the phone with him). I know I have to do something, though, because dead mice get stinky really fast.

I am totally expecting a plague of locusts next.

In family news, Tony had a bit of a rough day yesterday. Well, Ari had a rough day, which of course carries over to Tony. She's running a slight fever--most likely related to teething--so she was not in the greatest of moods yesterday. Plus, the battery light came on in Tony's car--kind of. It flickered a lot and then finally went out altogether, so Tony is waiting to see how this pans out. He's pretty sure it's not the alternator because we just had that replaced at the end of December. He's getting it checked out today. I just hope he's able to make it home on Saturday without any problems.

My day yesterday was pretty good (aside from the pest problems). When I got home from work, I realized I needed a few things from the grocery store, and since it's right across the street from our apartment complex and it was such a gorgeous day, I walked. I underestimated how hot it was, and had worked up a good sweat by the time I got there. After I made dinner (chocolate-chip pancakes--yum), I went for my regular walk. It was only an hour later than the last time I'd walked, and the temperature had dropped so much. It was still comfortable--just noticeably cooler.

As far as the other things on my to-do list... well, of course I watched "The Office" (I have to say Ryan was my favorite part of last night's show). I did work a little on church stuff--didn't get it all done, but I made enough progress to make me feel like I wasn't a complete slacker. I didn't clean at all, but I thought about it a little, so if "it's the thought that counts" philosophy applies to cleaning, then my house is sparkling. Actually, I'm planning to tackle some of that tomorrow, since it's supposed to be a bit chillier than it's been and possibly rainy. Also, I have more freelance work to do, so that will probably take up a good chunk of my day. It will be interesting to see which task I procrastinate on more--the cleaning or the work. Maybe I can alternate between the 2 so that I don't get sick of either one.

Tony asked me on the phone yesterday what I've been up to, and my honest answer was, "Not much." I really haven't strayed much from my normal routine, and I haven't gone out shopping or anything like that. I did tell him that the apartment has been awfully quiet the past couple days. He talked to me today, and seemed surprised when I told him I missed them. Silly boy. I enjoy my solitude, but that doesn't mean I don't miss them. Ari had better brace herself for lots of hugs and kisses when they got home. Oh, yeh, and Tony too.


Anonymous said...

My parents house was plagued by Carpenter Bees that just loved to chew holes in the Redwood siding and trim work. The best thing we found to take care of them was badminton rackets. One of our chores when we came home from school was to spend 10 minutes or so outside swatting at those things. Oddly satisfying.

Moz + Pam said...

I know how you feel about the 12 Plagues of Egypt! We always have spiders (big ones) & big black ants & tiny brown ants & hornets! Yukky! I love Spring & Summer but don't enjoy the bugs!

Eden said...

Glad that the killer bees haven't tried to sting you yet! Hmm...I think I could use some solitude, but I'd definitely miss Lyvi and Steve. Yuck! a mouse. I'd have thrown that nasty thing straight into the dumpster. lol Hope Ari feels better soon. Hope it's not the alternator, that would be stinky. Oh def do a little of each (clean and work). have a great day

Dave + Jess said...

I like alone time, too, but not for long stretches of time. I seem to be more productive, oddly enough, though D's presence shouldn't prevent me from doing stuff. Anyway, they'll be back in no time and you can give Ari-girl lots of kisses from her Auntie Jess, too.

Hope my nerdy husband's advice is helping you with your killer bees. Not sure how I'd feel about the mouse though. Gross. Poor Sara!

Oh, and thanks for ALL those comments/advice on baby stuff, they're a big help!