Friday, April 4, 2008

Things to be happy about

You know it's not going to be a stellar day when you wake up and realize you overslept and/or your alarms didn't go off. So to counteract the rough start to my day, I present...

Things to be happy about:

1. Tony made dinner last night. He told me that Greg and Wayne were coming over to watch a movie, and the conversation naturally turned to figuring out what to do for dinner. Before I knew it, he was digging through my recipes and eagerly volunteering to make dinner himself. Naturally, I did not argue. It came out delicious, too. And it was so nice to come home and not have to worry about barricading myself in the kitchen. (Not that I make dinner every night. Or even most nights. But it was still nice not to have to stress about it.)

2. That it's only rain today, not snow/sleet/freezing rain/the next Ice Age.

3. That I don't have to make sure I'm in my house every night before darkness falls, with nothing but my German Shepherd to keep me company, praying that the bloodthirsty infected people don't find me. (Who wants to guess what movie the boys were watching last night?)

4. That it's Friday. (No-brainer.)

5. That my scale is still saying 125, despite my lousy eating habits as of late. (Note to self: Knock it off with the junk food already! Sheesh.)

6. Tony telling me that the jeans I'm wearing today make me look really skinny.

7. Ariana.

^ Can't beat that one, can I? So I guess my list is done.

And speaking of the little devil...

In an attempt to get Ari to get used to the idea of barrettes, I played around with this hair bow. I tried to get some pictures of Ari wearing it, but she was too fast for me. She would hold still and let me put it in, but by the time I reached for my camera, she'd have already taken it out. Observe:

(Don't mind the yellow stains on her shirt--she'd been coloring with a yellow marker. Note to self: must find Crayola Color Wonder markers and hide all other markers.)

Caught her in the act of yanking it out...

Huh? No, I'm not taking out the bow. Honest!

And then she attempted to put it in a box. Uh, Kim, I think this means she does not approve of your gift.

This shot cracks me up. She was laughing because Tony was tickling her, but I think I caught her between giggles, so she looks a little dazed.

She has entire make-believe conversations on the phone now, starting with "Hi" and ending with "Bye."

Playing peekaboo with Daddy...

Enough with the pictures already, Mom!

As you wish.


Eden said...

How sweet of Tony to make dinner! What did he make? My Steve is good about going through our many recipes, picking some out and shopping for the ingredients. He usually leaves the cooking to me since I'm home all the time. lol

It didn't rain today at all. It was semi-pleasant, except for the brisk wind.

I am Legend starring Will Smith. I didn't find the movie scary. I found it sad.

Steve left today.

Great job on your weight! I have no clue where our scale is or how I am progressing with weight-loss. It's been hectic for the past 4 months. Most people don't even realize how hectic it's been. Such is life. lol


Lyvi has been quite the character lately. Maybe I'll get around to blogging about it, but I seriously doubt it. I'm super duper busy! lol

Love all the photos of Ari. She is absolutely adorable and quite the ham for the camera. She's very photogenic, I think. Cute bow!

Sure do wish our girls were closer, but Lyvi would probably be considered a bad influence on her maybe it's a good thing we're not. lol I do think they'd have fun though.

Love you guys.

Moz + Pam said...

Love the last picture especially...she looks so innocent & angellic! Enjoyed this blog very much!

Mary said...

Too bad she doesn't like the bow, it looks really cute. Matthew's got a bunch of hats for when he gets bigger, but I'm sure when we get to that point he won't hear of having anything on his head :)

Dave + Jess said...

I like your Things to be happy about List. D has been making dinner the past few weeks since he's been home. He doesn't decide what to make, that's my job, but he'll make it. And I'm perfectly fine with that arrangement!

Ari is getting so old :(. Her hair is growing in nicely. It looks a different color in pictures than in person, though. I always expect to see some reddish tint, but it's not really there. Anyway, I love the marker on her shirt...looks like she was having a great time making some masterpiece!