Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Of course you realize, this means war

The Bedtime Battle continues... though now I am tempted to call it a war. Ari has just discovered that by pulling a stool or a chair up to the wall, she can reach the light switches. It was very cute when she was doing it downstairs--but not so cute when she decided to do it after being put to bed last night. Tony and I tag-teamed, taking turns going up and telling her to get back in bed. One time when Tony found her, she had the light on, and was sitting quietly on the floor, reading a book. He recounted the story to me with a smile. "It's a little hard to yell at her when she's being kind of good."

Fortunately for us, she made our job easier by pulling off the master of all pranks. It was Tony's turn to go up to her, and moments later, he hollered, "Saraaaa!" I groaned inwardly as I headed upstairs--if he needed my help for some reason, this was not a good sign.

I saw Tony standing at the top of the stairs, looking into her room with a grim expression on his face. As I turned the corner, I gasped. Her floor was covered in clothing, shoes, bibs and diapers. She had emptied out her entire dresser--all 3 drawers plus the "tower" portion on the side (where we keep spare diapers, all her old bibs, etc.). There have been times in the past where she's emptied just the tower, or dumped the contents of the baskets we keep on top of that tower (which, miraculously, were untouched this time). But she has never made this much of a mess.

We've been saying for a couple weeks now that we really need to install child-proof locks on her drawers. I grumbled to Tony, "I don't care what happens--we are definitely putting those locks on her drawers tomorrow night."

I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the mess--on the one hand, it was somewhat comical. But on the other hand, I had to clean it all up. I gave Ari a short lecture about how this was "very bad" and "very naughty," and then, in my harshest Stern-Mommy voice, "You are going to help me clean this all up NOW."

She immediately grabbed a handful of diapers, handed them to me, and sweetly said, "Here you go, Mommy." No sooner had I taken them from her when she grabbed another batch. Since my hands were full, she dumped them in my lap and turned to pick up more. I had to turn my head away from her to hide my laughter. How dare she be so adorable when I was trying so hard to be mad at her?

So, tonight's To-Do List is as follows...

1. Vote.

2. Install child-proof lock things on Ari's drawers (and pray that she cannot figure them out).

3. Seriously look into the idea of finding out if her crib can actually convert into a toddler bed, instead of just musing about it out loud to each other.

4. If said crib will not turn into a toddler bed, go to walmart.com and order cute little toddler bed I found last night.

5. Eat chocolate. (Hey, that's always on the To-Do List. Priorities? I haz them.)


Mary said...

Isn't she a mischievous one! All I can say is, "Poor Sara and Tony!" :( And I really mean that too. I will be so annoyed when Matthew starts to do things like that. But I can see how it'd be hard to stifle a smile when she was very sweetly helping you clean everything up.

Yeah, I thought you bought a convertible crib, but hey, if you found a cute toddler bed, go for it!

Moz + Pam said...

First you have to remove the stool so she can't turn on the light. She's not really being bad just being a toddler. Good idea about installing locks on her drawers though. By the time she turns 3 this will be a thing of the past. Trust me!