Wednesday, July 30, 2008

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line

I saw "Mamma Mia!" last night with Dawn, and loved it even more than I thought I would. It was much funnier than I thought it would be, and I even ended up crying at one point. Word to the wise: make sure you stay through the credits. You will not be sorry.

Also, there was one actress in the movie that looked so familiar to me, and I couldn't place her. I watched for her name in the credits, but even seeing the name "Julie Walters" didn't help. I looked her up on when I got home (one of my favorite websites) and discovered she's the same actress who plays Mrs. Weasley in all the Harry Potter movies. I would never have guessed--and I'm usually pretty good at that.

I must--MUST--get the "Mamma Mia!" soundtrack now. That music is simply infectious. "Dancing Queen" was the only ABBA song I really knew before seeing this movie. Well, I kind of knew "Take a Chance on Me"--but only from that episode of "The Office" where Andy and his a cappella group sing it to Angela to get her to go out with him.* Anyway, I have to learn these songs. The music reminded me of "Hairpsray"--makes you tap your toes and leaves you feeling all happy inside afterward.

* I miss "The Office." *sigh*

I have decided that I am a sucker for hair products. I recently bought this new Pantene Pro-V "Beautiful Lengths" shampoo...

... because I read somewhere that its new "AquaCurrent" technology makes your hair impervious to moisture, thereby banishing frizzies. (And if there's anything that will convince me to try a new hair product, it's a label like "new technology" because surely if it's all scientific and stuff, it has to work, right?) I'm here to tell you... that is not true. Not that I hate the shampoo (it smells pretty, anyway), but my hair still turns into a puffball in this humid summer weather. I think I should just give up on my hair--nothing on earth will protect it from the hazards of humidity--not even the famous Frizz-Ease.

Speaking of being a sucker for new products, I think I definitely need this...

Its name is "Clocky" and according to its description, "Clocky is the uniquely designed mobile alarm clock that is guaranteed to get you on your feet. It gives you one chance to get up, but if you snooze, Clocky will jump off of your nightstand and wheel around your room looking for a place to hide. Mischievous and loud, Clocky is both hands-down adorable and surprisingly effective."

Anyone who has ever lived with me knows that this product was designed for someone like me.

I got a phone call from Tony this morning. "So guess what your daughter just did."

"Uh oh. What?"

"She just came and woke me up."

It took a moment for it to sink in. And then I realized, She climbed out of her crib. "Oh no," I answered. Then I jokingly corrected myself. "I mean, uh, yay. Good for her."

He said he'd heard her making noise, but didn't think anything of it until she suddenly appeared beside the bed, giggling softly as she watched him open his eyes. "So it will be interesting to see what she does at naptime, since I'm usually downstairs then."

"Maybe she'll forget, like she did last time," I said referring to the last (and, up until now, only) time she'd climbed out of her crib.

"I don't think so. She seemed pretty proud of herself."

He sent me a picture message on my phone this afternoon, of Ari sitting at the table in her room, with the caption, "Naptime from now on." Then he called to explain. He laid her down for her nap, and she immediately got out of her crib. He laid her back down, walked into the bathroom, and by the time he turned around, she was out again. So not only can she get out of her crib, but she can get out quickly and easily.

I think life as we know it is over.


Steve and Eden said...

I'm glad you like "Mama Mia".

My hair is frizzy too, but I just dont' bother. At PCC, I did give some effort, but to no avail. lol

Oh, I love Clocky!

Lyv was like that when she first switched to the toddler bed, but I couldn't part with my quiet time yet. I took away the night-light, hung a black curtain and it's like pitch black in her room. So, even if she got out of bed, she can't see.

lol, terrible I know, but it works. lol

Dave + Jess said...

Ari is a little stinker! Mind as well change her crib into a toddler bed for all the use the crib now has.

My grandparents saw Mama Mia and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I guess it spans the ages.

So sad about your new not-what-you-hoped-for shampoo. I don't really believe their marketing anyway, it's kind of cheesy (ie shampoo commerials). I'm all for the VO5 or Suave products...on sale!

Clocky is hilarious. Sound should put it on your birthday wish list!

Moz + Pam said...

Like mother Like daughter except you gave up naps @ the age of 6 months! Now you know what I had to deal with! LOL! ENJOY!

Mary said...

I've never seen Clocky before. Very interesting, and a good product for you ;)

Uh oh, Ari's gonna be trouble--watch out!