Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The worst wife in the world (among other things)

How to feel like the worst wife in the world (in 5 easy steps!):

1. Buy 2 lovely, thoughtful Father's Day cards for your husband (one from you and one from your daughter) the day before Father's Day.

2. Upon arriving at home, hide the cards in a clever spot so that he won't find them, intending to fill them out later.

3. A few hours later, completely forget about the cards.

4. Wish your husband a Happy Father's Day the next morning, without letting that remind you of the hidden cards.

5. Go through the rest of the day as normal.

If you follow these steps carefully, then the end result should be the following conversation, held shortly after midnight on Father's Day:

Tony: (tentatively) Uh, I'm not trying to be stupid here, but... did you forget to get me Father's Day cards from you and Ari?

Me: Crap! (realizing that might be interpreted as a "yes") I mean, yes I did get you cards, but I hid them away so you wouldn't find them and forgot all about them.

And... scene. Congratulations--you now feel like the worst wife in the world.

In other news...

1. I had my MRI of my braaaaaain on Saturday morning. I was cool, calm and collected right up until I got inside the machine--then, I could feel my heart pounding and my body stiffening (though I think the reason I tensed up was because I was trying so hard to hold still as instructed). It wasn't because I'm claustrophobic or anything--I think it was because once the machine started, it hit me how powerful the thing is. The technician told me I didn't have to take off my rings, but once the machine started, I could feel the pulse of the machine in my rings--it was a weird vibration. I asked her if that was OK/normal, and she replied that it was fine but I could take my rings off if it bothered me. I opted to leave them on. By the time we were done, I had a killer headache--fully stress-related, I'm sure.

It's weird, because there are times when I don't stress out mentally, per se, but yet my body has a physical reaction that I am powerless to stop. It reminded me of childbirth classes, when they were trying to teach us to breathe, use a focal point, blah blah blah. I was so bad at it, because my brain is just not wired that way--I can't "trick" my body into relaxing, and the whole concept if going to a "happy place" is just laughable to me. It simply doesn't work for me. Which probably explains why I am such a huge sissy about pain--I have no defense against it.

Anyway, got my MRI results today (which you already know about, if you read the Twitter feed in the sidebar), and they were normal. So... woo hoo and stuff.

2. We hung out at a friend's house yesterday evening, and somehow we ended up watching "Rent." It was the first time I've seen the entire movie since I saw the play on Broadway, so I spent most of the time noticing the differences between the 2. But I still enjoyed getting to see the movie again. Tony and I snuggled on the couch, and during the particularly emotional scenes/songs, he would gently kiss me on the head. It's amazing how even the littlest gestures like that can mean so much.

3. Clever little me set the DVR to record the Tony Awards last night, and when I got home, even though it was late, I couldn't resist watching a bit. There were 2 performances I knew about, from reading online--The Lion King (which is celebrating its 10-year anniversary on Broadway) and a tribute to Rent, featuring the current and original cast (since it is ending its Broadway run in September). The show opened with the opening scene from The Lion King--the famous "Circle of Life" song. It gave me chills, just like it did the first time I saw it live. The "Rent" tribute was toward the end. Anthony Rapp (original Mark) introduced the segment. The current cast did a clip from "La Vie Boheme" and then the original cast came out. Several of them spoke and then they all sang--what else?--"Seasons of Love."


Moz + Pam said...

So glad your MRI turned out normal! But are they sure they could see your brain? ;) LOL! J/K

Dave + Jess said...

Yay for normal MRI results. I won't tell you what D said about that, but I'm sure you can imagine...

I'm sure Tony completely understood about the card thing. D and I don't do cards because the money that would be spent on them goes towards a little gift or something. Cards are so expensive these days!! This is starting to sound like a rant, I know, but I just threw out all of D's graduation cards and we estimated their worth at $65!!! You can do a lot with $65. Anyway, rant over.

We've been watching the John Adams mini series originally on HBO, now on Netflix, and have been really enjoying it. There are 7 parts, I think, and we're on the third and it's all really interesting. They show scenes from Philly and they're actually in the buildings we toured, so it's neat.

Give kisses to your soon-to-be two year old cutie pie from her Auntie Jess and cousin!!