Wednesday, June 11, 2008

6-question survey

A short survey is always a good diversion...

What were you doing ten years ago?

10 years ago was 1998... more specifically, June 1998. I was 21 years old and less than 2 months away from my wedding (August 1). Tony was living in the same state as me at the time (doing an internship), so we got to see plenty of each other during that summer.

What are five things on your to-do list today?

1. Call to schedule an MRI. (Done. I just had to list something that was already done.)

2. Check Target out for invitations for Ari's birthday party. (Since I'm a total dope and didn't do this when I was there last night.)

3. Work out. (Preferably outside, since the heat wave has [finally] broken.)

4. Snuggle with Tony and Ari. (Possibly at the same time, since Ari loves to join the snuggle-fest when she sees me and Tony cuddling.)

5. Take a shower. (Taking showers at night makes my life so much easier in the morning.)

Name some snacks you enjoy.

Cheez-Its. Ice cream. Pretzels. Ice cream. Chocolate. Ice cream. Pineapple. Ice cream. Baked Cheetos. (Did I mention ice cream yet?)

Name the places you've lived.

Well, it's a pretty short list (only 4 places), so let's throw in places I've visited, too. (And I'm only counting places where I've actually spent at least one night--not just places I've driven through or had an airline layover in or anything like that.)

In the good old USA: Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia... (OK, I think we can pretty much just say "every state on the East Coast")... Alabama, Ohio, Florida, California, Mississippi, Louisiana.

In Canada: Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island.

Elsewhere: Iran. (I was only 2 or 3, so don't ask me to tell you anything cool about it.)

What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?

(I should add that these are not in order of priority, and these are not necessarily the only things I would do. These are just the first 5 things that popped into my head.)

1. Go see any and every Broadway show I want to, in New York City. (Where else?)

2. Buy a house. (Maybe 2 or 3 or 10.)

3. Buy a new car. (Or 2 or 3 or 10.)

4. Go on a cruise. (Because I am thoroughly convinced that I am going to totally love the one I'm going on in a few months.)

5. Give money to my church and to charities.

Name some people you want to know more about.

Myself. (Oooh--deep.) And also? You. Yes, YOU, right there. Go on--tell me something wacky or cool or stupid or fascinating about yourself--something I don't already know. That is an order. Go.


Mary said...

There's lots of things wacky about me, but you know them all. And there's nothing cool about me, except when my feet get cold in the summer. Stupid? hmm, I've had plenty of those moments, like when I totally don't remember a conversation Josh had with me. And fascinating, well, I'm a mom, how much more fascinating do you need? :)

Moz + Pam said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm...if I were a billionaire I'd buy all my kids a new home! How's that? ;)