Monday, June 2, 2008

2 for the price of 1

We had a very summery thunderstorm blow through on Saturday--the kind where the air is almost unbearably humid leading up to the storm, then the sky turns odd shades of gray, green and yellow, and then the storm arrives in all its glory, punctuated with lightning and thunder.

When it was over, we were left with this gift--not one, but two rainbows.

They seemed to go on forever.

Trust me when I say that these pictures do them no justice. I keep feeling like the colors are off in the pictures, but then I remember that the sky really was that color when I took the pics. And you can see a sliver of sunlight shining on the tops of the buildings. It was freakishly beautiful.

I feel like I should tell you a bit about Ari, since it's been a while. Tony loves to chase and wrestle with her, and he always says, "I'm gonna get you!" So Ari has started saying, "Getchoo!" when she wants someone to chase her.

She also likes to hide behind the hanging blinds by our sliding glass door (she's the perfect size to fit behind them) and holler, "Ari, Ari" (since we always say, "Where's Ari?"). Then she'll pop out and yell, "Boo!" (her lazy version of "peekaboo").

She likes to recite the names of things she knows--she'll just randomly start pointing at and identifying everything around her, as though she's trying to show off. "Chair. Book. Blueberries. Watermelon. Mommy. Daddy. Sasha. Ivan. Stroller. Remote."

She has also started singing, and we're pretty sure it's the alphabet song. She doesn't know all the letters yet, but she has the basic tune down, and you can hear a letter or 2 every once in a while.

She knows the names of lots of our friends, and better yet, she knows which names go together. For example, if we start talking to her about Ty-Ty (her little friend Tyler), she'll start saying Molly (his sister), Brandon (his dad) and Kerry (his mom). She also associated Tony's 2 friends Greg and Wayne together, since they usually both come over to our house at the same time.

She's going to be 23 months old tomorrow, which means we can start the one-month countdown to her 2nd birthday. (I'm kidding--I'm not really going to count it down.) That also means we have to start planning her party. We've already decided it will be July 5--yes, it's Fourth of July weekend, but it's really the only time that works for us, so that's what we're going with. I think if people know far enough in advance, it won't be a problem. Which means I need to get my butt in gear even more and start working on invitations.


Mary said...

Wow, those pictures are gorgeous! I haven't seen a rainbow in forever.

When you say she says "Boo," that reminds me of Monster's Inc.

Aww, she sings? That's so cute! And a real song too. She'll get all those letters in there eventually.

I can't believe she's going to be 2 years old so soon. Matthew's gonna be 3 months old by then, and I just can't fathom it. I wonder how many new things he'll be doing and how much his face will change. Good luck with planning, and don't leave everything to the last minute! ;)

Steve and Eden said...

Wow! Those are some awesome photos of God's handiwork!

Ari is growing up fast, too!

Moz + Pam said...

Awesome photos! I've never seen a double rainbow! It must have been gorgeous! The brightest rainbow Dad & I ever saw was against black clouds in Canada! But this is even more awesome! God is great!

Dave + Jess said...

Beautiful pictures. Those rainbows are amazing!!

Ari is getting so big. I bought her bday presents already, which was kind of stupid because I had to move them and make sure they weren't packed far, far away. Anyway, should be fun. I think we'll be here...hopefully D won't have to work!