But lately, for some reason, she's been waking up shortly after me, no matter how quiet I try to be. We don't lock the baby gate on her room anymore (we simply pull it across the doorway to keep the dogs out of her room) so once she's up, she's also out.
It's gotten to the point where I expect her now... I listen for the shuffling and stirring in her room, the creak of the gate being pulled open. And then she'll push the bathroom door open, squinting at the light, but smiling up at me, her nose wrinkled and her hair disheveled. I'll greet her happily, leaning down for a hug, and she'll shuffle into the bathroom, usually making some funny face at me, because she's a goof like that.
And then the talking starts. Even upon first waking up, her volume setting is still on "high" and I find myself encouraging her to talk more quietly so she doesn't wake Daddy. Which never works, of course--she still prattles away loudly. She keeps herself amused while I get ready, talking about random things, asking me what I'm doing (and why, of course). Every so often, I run my fingers through her crazy curls, usually eliciting a giggle from her as she squeals, "Hey! You messed up my hair."
If it's a day she stays home with Tony, I'll tell her to go wake him up just before I leave. I listen for the flick of the light switch, and then hear her greet him with the same high-volume voice she's been using with me. He returns her greeting, his voice heavy with sleep but cheerful. Before he can even finish saying hi to her, she's asking for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Within seconds, the TV is on, and she's slithered under the covers on my side of the bed, engrossed in an episode of whatever happens to be on Playhouse Disney while Tony tries to get a few more minutes of sleep. When I come in to say goodbye to her, I almost have to stick my face in front of hers to tear her attention away from the TV for the 2 seconds it will take her to hug me and say goodbye.
We had a late night last night, and Ari got to bed a couple hours later than her usual bedtime. When I got up this morning, she was still sleeping soundly, her blonde curls barely peeking out from the tangle of blankets and stuffed animals in her bed. I looked in on her one last time before leaving, and she was still in the same position, a sure sign that she was deeply asleep.
As I tiptoed downstairs surrounded in silence, I suddenly realized how much I missed her company this morning.
She asked me for pigtails this evening, and how could I say no?
Aww, how sweet :)
Matthew's an early bird, which normally I don't enjoy. He usually wakes up shortly after Josh leaves, 6:30/6:45, and that's my signal to jump in the shower while he's still waking up and not ready for me to get him yet. Some mornings he does a 6:00 wake up call, and Josh and I will both groan and turn off the monitor, mainly so Josh can get some more sleep before his alarm goes off. Oh, but I love the days where I don't hear him until 7:15 or 7:30. It means I can shower without rushing and take a little more time getting ready in the morning.
Dude, Matthew already likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I didn't know kids could get attached to the TV this young, but even now if it's off he'll point to it, wanting us to turn it on. He points at Mickey and his friends. He also likes Handy Manny, and Special Agent Oso.
One more thing, when the hot dog dance comes on, he starts bobbing his head or waving his arms. I think he likes that song :)
Awwwwwww, she's a sweetie!
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