She seemed to enjoy the little party--she had fun checking out all the decorations, until she reached out to touch a little skull and it started vibrating, startling her. But once she discovered there were M&Ms nearby, all was well with the world.
I know what you're thinking... "You let her have M&Ms for dinner twice in the same week?" And to that, I say, "No. She had one whole entire bite of pizza before we went to the party. I'm surprised she had room for M&Ms."
This would be a cool picture, if not for the glob of chocolate trickling down her chin. I thought M&Ms were supposed to melt IN your mouth, not OUTSIDE of it... (Chocolate or no, I love the way her eyes look in this picture.)
She takes M&M eating very seriously.
After the M&Ms were gone, she wanted to watch "Ari movies," so we spent a good 45 minutes or so at the computer, watching videos of her from when she was only a few months old, up until she was about a year and a half. I kept telling Ari that it was her in the videos, but she didn't seem to fully grasp that point. But she sure thought she was hilarious--she kept giggling at herself.
I reluctantly dragged us both away from the computer when it was bedtime. As I got her ready for bed, she asked me at least 25 times, "Leave door open?" And no matter how many times or how sincerely I said "yes," she kept asking. I braced myself for another night of crying and fussing and me hollering, "Get back in bed"... but to my surprise, she stayed in bed, silent, and went right to sleep. Here's hoping this is the beginning of the end of the nighttime battles.
Uh-oh, if Mom had M&Ms at the house for Thanxgiving, Ari's gonna hafta fight her Uncle Steve for them :)
Matthew acted up for bedtime this past weekend, but I think he's back to falling asleep like normal. Now if I could just get him to take naps... :)
M & M's sound good to me but then I'm a chocoholic!
Ari is so adorable in her Belle outfit!!
Yes, Ari and her Uncle Steve will definitely be at odds with each other over the M&Ms. lol
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