Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Funny ha-ha, or funny strange? *EDIT*

^ 50 cool points to anyone who can name the movie that line came from.

Just when I thought Ari couldn't get cuter...

1. You know how toddlers will sometimes just babble a string of unintelligible words, as though they're carrying on a conversation with an imaginary friend or something? Ari will do that... and when she's finished, she'll add, "Ari's talking!" Yeh, kiddo, you're talking--we just don't know what language.

2. Whenever she says/does something that makes us laugh, she'll grin and say, "Ari's funny!" And sometimes, we don't even have to laugh--sometimes a simple smile or a look we exchange will make her say that. And of course, her saying that only makes us laugh even more, and she'll just look so pleased with herself. It's like she's purposely trying to be a comedian or something.

She's also started speaking in complete, grammatically-correct sentences much more often, and has this amazing little memory (which both amazes and terrifies me, because soon, she'll be able to tattle on me to other people). She's also started picking up on my mannerisms of speech--for example, when I give her instructions, I usually end my request with, "OK?" (more to make sure I had her attention, not because she really has a choice in the matter). So, now, I've got this little pipsqueak of a person saying, "Mommy help Ari wiv blocks... 'kaaaay?"

Man, do I love that little ball of goofiness.

In other news, I am officially Freaking Out About Every Little Thing About Our Cruise. I would give you an itemized rundown, but you'd probably all just chuckle and be all, "Aww, Sara, you're so funny when you exaggerate for comedic effect." But, see, the thing is, it wouldn't be an exaggeration. So I will keep my mental freak-outs to myself so that you all don't think I'm any more neurotic than you already do.

But ohmygosh I have to vent just a little because what if that thing that looks like it wants to be a hurricane actually materializes and becomes a real, live hurricane and capsizes the ship just like in "Poseidon" (which I never should have watched--my gosh, what is WRONG with me)? Or what if I get the noro-virus and spend half the cruise being quarantined from everyone, or what if I get malaria from a hungry mosquito--I mean, people still die from that, don't they? And what if we get lost in St. Maarten and miss the ship and because we can't afford to fly home from there, we have to live there forever and ever? ...Wait... living on a tropical Caribbean island forever and ever? That might not be so bad.

Hey, look at me, finding silver linings! Things are looking up already!

Just spoke to Tony, who started the conversation with the words, "Don't freak out, but..." which is never a good way to start a conversation.

By the end of our chat, I sighed and told him, "OK, I'm not freaking out, I'm just... freaking out."

He laughed. "So you're not freaking out... but you ARE?"

"Yeh. C'mon. It makes total sense."


OK, I'm going back to re-read the first part of this entry because I know it will make me smile. Meanwhile, I know y'all are already smiling in that, "Aww, Sara, you're so cute when you're all neurotic" kind of way, and all I have to say is... that's what I'm here for, folks. To bring a smile to your face with my mental breakdowns. Enjoy.

***** EDIT *****

Just a quick Ari video. This is significant because she has finally learned how to jump, for real. Sure, she's been "jumping" for a while, but her definition of jumping has always been "taking a really emphatic step." Now, with all the couch cushions and pillows to catch her, she's really and truly jumping. Oh, and also, you can hear her say, "That's funny" and "Ari's funny." Interpreted by me and Tony, of course. I've found that being a parent of a toddler causes you to automatically translate everything your kid says, whether or not there's anyone around who needs it.

Ari 9-23-08 from Sariana on Vimeo.

Widgets & Flash Toys


Mary said...

Ooh, Ari sounds like a little class clown already! I can't wait to see her agaain in November and watch her be funny :)

Oh, can I add another freak out thing to your list? Did you ever see Speed 2? Where the bad guy took control of the cruise ship and it crashed into an island?

I know, I'm a mean and awful sister, but you've only got one, so you love me anyway! :)

Mary said...

Ooh, I almost forgot! Your title is from "The Man Without a Face" starring the one and only Mel Gibson.

Yay me! I get cool points! :)

Sara said...

To Mary: You get ZERO cool points, based on the content of your first comment.

So there.


Mary said...

pppplllllbbbbtttt right back!

Mary said...

I love at the end where she smiles for you just to get you off her back and so she can get back to her fun :)

Steve and Eden said...

Ari sounds like alot of fun. Looking forward to seeing her in November.

Have fun on your cruise!

Moz + Pam said...

Your ship won't capsize it'll steer around the hurricane IF one comes your way, that is! No worries! You'll probably get a free cruise for the inconvenience, too! Adoreable video of Ari! Love you 3! Enjoy your CRUISE!!