Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My latest nephew *EDIT x2*

Last night, the three of us took a trip to the hospital to visit Dave, Jess, and Micah. I was there the night before, the night he was born, and Tony stayed home with Ari, since it was nearing her bedtime and there's no way she would have waited patiently in the waiting room. So this was Tony's and Ari's first chance to meet their new nephew/cousin. So without further ado, the pictures...

Micah meeting Uncle Tony for the first time...

Hanging out with Gramma (my mom)... (This is the best picture I have of his little face. I didn't get any close-up shots--he's not a fan of bright lights, so I didn't want to harass him any more than necessary.)

Ari is checking out her new cousin. (She totally loved him--couldn't take her eyes off him. And when a nurse had to take him out of the room for a few minutes, Ari looked so concerned--I almost thought she was going to cry.)

Grampa helped keep Ari amused (i.e. out of trouble). She swiped a pen from his pocket.

I asked her to smile for me. What a nut.

I love this shot--I love the look on my mom's face.

And last but not least--the proud Grampa.

'Tis all for now. You're dismissed.

***** EDIT *****

Edited to add one more picture of my sweet little nephew, shamelessly stolen from my SIL's brother's blog...

I just want to squeeze him. Gently, of course.

***** EDIT #2 *****

It's been brought to my attention that perhaps I should have given credit to the person from whose blog I stole the above picture. Strange... I would have thought the word "shamelessly" conveyed the fact that I had no intention of giving credit where it may or may not be due (as I have also learned that he was not even the one who took the picture). So let it be known that the above picture was taken from my sister-in-law's brother's blog. There.

(Happy now, "Yoda"?)

PS Ohmygosh, only NINE days till our cruise! Single digits, baby!

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Mary said...

I like Tony's shirt in that first picture. Oh, I like the baby too (hee hee) ;)

Micah is so cute! He must get that from Auntie Mary ;)

That's cool that you got a picture with his eyes open. So often newborns don't cooperate keep their eyes closed instead. I can't wait to meet him! :)

Mary said...

Holy cow! Nine days?! Man, that's coming up fast. You better get packing!

Moz + Pam said...

Wow! Only 9 days until your cruise? I'm with Mary, you better get packing! You must be getting so excited! Micah is such a beautiful baby! I'm blessed to have 4 beautiful grandchildren! God is good!

Mary said...

Ooh, i like that last picture you stole--good idea :)

Kristina said...

I took that picture you stole!!! I'm so glad it came out so good!!!

Yoda said...

wow she steals a picture from me and i don't even get billing...what a world we live in

Yoda said...

very happy now, thank you madam. I expect the check just got lost in the mail however....