Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why are you pushing the table?

Ari was sitting in her highchair, up against the table (we've taken the tray off and just pull it up to the table now). She put both her hands on the edge of the table, and said, "I push the table."

"Why are you pushing the table?" I asked. Then, as I often do, I made up a silly little song about it. "Why are you pushing the table, the table, the table... why are you pushing the table... why are you pushing it?" I sang.

She just smiled at me, and said, "Ari sing."

"Oh, you want to sing now? OK, what are you going to sing?"

She grinned at me, and started singing, "Whyyyyyy table, table, table..."

It took me a second, but it finally dawned on me. "Are you singing the song I just sang you?" I asked.

She gave me a bright smile, as if to say, "Of course, Mom--what else would I sing?"

Now, several minutes later, she's out of the highchair, riding her Winnie the Pooh car... and I'm pretty sure I just heard her call one of the dogs "stupid."

Widgets & Flash Toys


Moz + Pam said...

My granddaughter is such a cutie! I'm looking forward to watching her while you cruise! I bet I'll sleep really well those nights! LOL! :)

Mary said...

Your kid is a nut, but an adorable nut ;)

dave + jess said...

She's a good mimicker (is that a word?). When we saw her the other week, she just had a blast copying what I was saying/doing. It's such a fun age!

And where did she learn the word "stupid" from...? ;)