Friday, September 5, 2008

i can has randomness

(*ahem* I, uh, I really have no explanation for the following entry. Except that it's been a long week and maybe I'm a bit crazy and it's not like you didn't know that already so what's your point?)

o hai! srsly, ily.

becuz i luvs u, i gives u lolcats. u wil enjoi.

maybee i rite hole entry lik dis? no? fiine. u no fun.

So I got a little impulsive last night and ordered this bathing suit...

And, like I always do after I do something impulsive, I am now second-guessing myself. Oh well. If it sucks, I'll just go for this one.

If I can get past the couple of bad reviews I read on the site... *sigh* There is no pleasing me.

I was all excited yesterday about my car only needing a new thermostat and new water pump, until 2 darling friends of mine (who shall remain nameless) cheerfully informed me that in their experience, a car needing a new water pump is on its last legs, and you might as well prepare to say your good-byes.

Is it stupid to add that the thought of giving up my Sentra for good made me almost cry? Yes? Then forget I said anything.

Ari counted to 10 twice last night while we were out and about. Except she keeps skipping "6." What did "6" ever do to her?

Anyway, more about her in a future entry. Maybe even with videos. You should be so lucky.

I am dying for the fall TV season to begin. Does that make me totally lame? I don't care. There are 2 shows in particular I can't wait to see fresh episodes of. First is "The Office" (September 25). I'm betting Jim and Pam got engaged during the off-season, and that they'll find some kind of creative way to show us the scene (you know, within the confines of the "documentary" format). I don't think Jim spent these past few months with that ring just sitting in his pocket.

Second is "Pushing Daisies." I cannot rave about this show enough. Season 1 comes out on DVD on September 16 (and yes, it's already on my birthday/Christmas wish list). Sadly, due to the strike, season 1 was only 6 or 7 episodes. But it's quality, not quantity, and this show is oozing with quality--from its basic concept to the amazing actors to the gorgeous colorful sets and quirky storylines, this show has it all. It's whimsical, it's adorable, it's funny, it's dramatic--it's unexpected. There's nothing else on TV like it. If there's one new show you want to add to your personal lineup, this should be it. If you don't adore it, something is wrong with you. I mean, just look at this--it's just a promo pic, not an actual scene from the show, but it gives you a feel for its atmosphere. Look how bright and colorful and altogether lovely...

Season 2 starts Wednesday, October 1 at 8 PM Eastern. My DVR is already set. Go set yours now. I'm done anyway.

PS One more thing... is it just me/my computer, or is my countdown thingy-doo below not working? I can see the picture, but all the countdown numbers/words are mysteriously absent. This is not good. How am I supposed to know how many days are left until my cruise?! I'm going to have to do actual MATH! *gasps in horror*

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Moz + Pam said...

Your countdown is working from Mary's computer anyway! I'll check mine when I get home!

Dave + Jess said...

The countdown works on my computer.

Hey, I had to get a new water pump over a year ago for our Buick. It is still running strong at over 150k. Of course, I also needed new brakes a few months ago. But my point is that it is not on its last leg. Just be nice to your car, and give it the good oil (high mileage, synthetic blend) for every oil change.


Mary said...

Um, yeah, you're kinda weird. Bring on the Ari video and pics. She's so cute to see :)

Moz + Pam said...

So did you like the bathing suit you ordered? Huh? Huh? HUH?