I took pictures of her stocking and the tree with presents the night before, so I wouldn't forget in the morning.
Ari crawled into bed with us sometime in the middle of the night. I noticed, somehow, but was too tired/lazy to want to get up and put her back in bed so I let her stay. She burrowed under the covers with us, and miraculously, slept in. I think it was about 8:45 or so when I finally stirred, and even then, I still had to wake her up. Tony and I went ahead and took showers and got ready before heading downstairs, and she played quietly in her room. A nice, relaxing morning. I love that she's so excited about Christmas, but not so excited that she wakes us up before dawn and won't let us have a minute's peace until we start opening gifts. And yes, I know those days are coming.
We let her attack her stocking first. Her words of the day were "ow" and "tricky." Don't ask me why. Guess my wrapping job was craftier than I thought?
I chipped in to help her with most of the gifts--helping her get started, at least.
It got to the point where she'd ask me for help without even really trying first. Silly kid.
Holding up one of her new outfits. She's cheesing at the video camera, which was set up on the other side of the room. I didn't even know she knew it was on.
Her new bike helmet...
More new clothes. We had a little shopping spree at The Children's Place (and I saved 25% because I opened up a credit card with them). Honestly, though, she needed some new clothes. She's suddenly solidly in 4T, and most of her 3T clothes look kind of ridiculous on her.
She was quite willing to pose for the camera... but not so willing to smile nicely.
Her eyes crack me up. Guess she really liked these pants...
Holding her shirt upside-down...
I love the color of this sweater. It's going to look so great with her blue eyes.
"Look Mom, no hands!"
I got her a new Color Wonder set. I debated between Disney princesses and Handy Manny, and ultimately went with Handy Manny. Judging by her reaction, I think it was the right choice.
We made her open all the clothes first, and then saved this for last... her "princess horsie." She'd told us a couple times that she wanted a "horsie" or pony, so we got this for her. Then, a couple days before Christmas, she kept telling me. "Mommy, I got you a present!" When I'd ask what it was, she'd say, "A pony!" So I'd say this gift was a hit.
I finally swiped the camera from Tony.
And then Daddy got the super-fun task of freeing the horse from all the packaging.
Love this shot. Yes, I prompted her to thank him and hug him, but it's still a sweet picture.
And so ended our present-opening routine. We cleaned up a little, finished getting ready, and then headed to my parents' house around lunchtime. So those pics will be in the next entry. For now, I need to start getting ready for tomorrow, because it's back to work after a 4-day weekend.
Thanks for posting Christmas @ your house! Felt like I was right there! Can't wait to see Christmas through your eyes @ our house!
I like Ari's stocking. And you guys got her some cute clothes, especially the pants and the sweater.
Remember how into horses I was? I wonder if Ari will be like that too.
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