Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Birthday, in bullets

My birthday, in bullets...

* I told Tony my birthday wish list: to sleep in on Saturday (sleeping in is not an option on Sundays, due to church), a massage, and some key lime pie.

* My sleeping-in wish was granted on Saturday. I vaguely remember Ari crawling into bed with us and watching a couple of her shows, but at some point Tony took her downstairs and I fell deeply back to sleep. I didn't crawl out of bed until after noon. It was wonderful.

* We spent most of the afternoon Christmas shopping. We are almost done. Now I just need to wrap it all.

* I got my gift from Tony right after midnight. Sweet boy knows how impatient I am.

* On Sunday (my actual birthday), Tony and Ari surprised me with a cake when we got home from church, complete with 2 number candles that made a "33." Ari helped me blow out the candles.

* All 3 of us took a long nap Sunday afternoon. More wonderfulness.

* We ordered Chinese for dinner. I ate in my jammies. A perfect ending to our lazy afternoon.

* My gifts and cards from Tony and Ari....

* Yes, Tony got me 2 cards, because he's a nut like that. Here's the inside of the mushy card...

* And if that's not enough mush for you... (Of course, you should know, she sang me the song perfectly right before I started recording her. The camera brings out the ham in her, I suppose.)

Ariana 12-13-09 from Sariana on Vimeo.


Mary said...

Dude, did you get my card yet? It was probably late, but you should totally post it, cause the humor is just off the charts ;)

Moz + Pam said...

Awww how sweet is Ari?

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Moz + Pam said...

That's just like Tony to get you 2 birthday cards, isn't it! ;) He's a keeper!

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