Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Conversations with Ari

On the way home from my parents' house the other night...

Ari: Why isn't Gramma coming with us?
Tony: Because she's going to stay home with Grampa.
Ari: Why?
Tony: Well, because she's married to him, and they live together, and they like to spend time together.
Ari: Oh. *pause* Are you and Mommy married?
Tony: Yes, we are.
Ari: Are Brandon and Kerry married?
Tony: Yup.
Ari: Are Ty-Ty and Molly married?
Tony: No, Ty-Ty and Molly are brother and sister.
Ari: Oh. *pause* I think I need a brother or sister so I can have someone to stay home with me and play with me all the time.
Tony: Well, what about Mommy and Daddy? You have us to play with.
Ari: No, I think I need a brother or sister.
Tony: What about Sasha and Ivan?
Ari: No, I need a little sister to play with.

Before bedtime a couple nights ago...

Ari: Mommy, do you have a baby in your belly?
Me: Nope.
Ari: Remember when I was a baby in your belly? That was a long time ago.
Me: *smile* I remember.
Ari: Do I have a baby in my belly?
Me: No, you don't. And you won't, till you're a grown-up.
Ari: How do I do that?
Me: Ha, there is no way I am having THAT conversation with you right now.

Important note: We are in the CAR.

Ari: Mommy, let's play a game!
Me: OK, what do you want to play?
Ari: Hide and go seek!
Me: Uh... Ari? I don't think we can play that in the car.
Ari: Yes we can! You count, and I'll hide.
Me: Um... OK.
Ari: Count, Mommy!
Me: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ready or not here I come. (turns around) Uh, I found you.
Ari: *laughs* OK, now I'll count, and YOU hide!
Me: Ari, seriously, this is not going to work.


Moz + Pam said...

Ari's right she needs a brother or a sister! ;) That's too funny about playing hide & seek in the car! She doesn't get the concept yet! :)

Mary said...

Aww, Ari wants a sister. How sweet :) She can have mine. Wait, she already has mine ;)

Hide and seek in the car? Sounds like a rollicking good time. Matthew doesn't get the whole hide and seek concept. If we count, he counts out loud with us from his hiding spot and then comes out when we say "Here I come!" And if he's counting, he so cheats and gets to 10 too fast.