Sunday, September 13, 2009

A geek to the core

Just some more randomness, from the mind of me...

I think the E! channel's "The Soup" is one of the funniest shows on TV. I don't know why I don't watch it more often. Probably because I don't pay attention to what day/time it's on. (Does anyone remember when it used to be called "Talk Soup" and was hosted by Greg Kinnear?)

"Glee" might just be my new favorite show. Sure, it's no "Pushing Daisies" (*sniff*) but it's definitely an awesome show. Much love.

Also, I know all the songs are on iTunes and such, but I really hope they come out with a soundtrack for the show. I would so buy it.

You know how back in medieval times, they used to have that torture machine called "The Rack"? It was a machine where they would tie up a person's wrists to a roller at the top and their ankles to a roller at the bottom, and then slowly turn the rollers and stretch the body until it was pulled apart. I'm thinking those aren't such a bad idea. No, I don't want to be dismembered, but a little stretch might not be bad. I mean, think how good it feels when you reach your arms up over your head and give your back a good stretch. If a machine could do it for you, I bet it would feel even better. Of course, it might be tricky getting the settings on the machine just right, and I imagine not many people would want to be the guinea pigs, so I guess it will never happen. But a girl can dream.

They should make a whole pack of Starburst that is just the pink ones. Because the lemon ones are just "meh" and no one really likes the cherry ones and the orange ones are just gross.

Ari and I were watching "The Wedding Singer" on TV, and during the one part where Adam Sandler sings Drew Barrymore the song he wrote (not the one at the end--the one where the verses are all soft and sweet, and then he screams the chorus), Ari was captivated by the song. And during one of the screamy choruses, she declared, "That boy is a great singer." I agreed with her, and she added, "Can I tell him that next time I see him?" I said sure, why not.

I watched some episodes of "Animaniacs" with Ari last weekend--totally my idea since, hey, there's only so much Playhouse Disney a person can stand. And I figured it was about time to introduce her to some real cartoon awesomeness. Ari was a bit unimpressed at first--she even flat-out said, "I don't like this show." Yet she remained riveted to the TV. Little liar.

That reminds me... you know what's a great word? Umbrage. Just say it. It's fun, and it sounds all fancy.

Wanna know where I heard it? "Animaniacs." Oh yeh. See, the show is funny AND educational. What's not to love?

(And since I know someone will ask.... it means "offense, annoyance, displeasure." As in, to feel umbrage at a social snub; to give umbrage to someone; to take umbrage at someone's rudeness. Now, go out and work this word into your daily vocabulary.)

I watched "Never Been Kissed" a few nights ago--it's one of those movies I will always stop and watch. Anyway, if you're familiar with the movie, you know that Josie is a copy editor/reporter, and spends a good deal of the movie correcting people's grammar. (A girl after my own heart.)

But it irks me so much that, at the end of the movie, in her Amazing Story That Saves The Day, she makes a HUGE grammar error. It would be understandable if it was a line of dialogue, because who doesn't screw up grammar in conversation? But the fact that Miss Snotty Copy Editor missed this in her own article?

Now, class, who can tell me what's wrong with the following sentence?

A geek to the core, most of my childhood days were spent doing extra homework I requested from the teacher.

If you said "dangling modifier," you are correct. Gold star.


That said, I have to say, I love this line from that movie, where she's describing what a first kiss is like....

That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time.

*girly, dreamy sigh*

Man, this entry is getting long. I should shut up now, or I may never stop. Hope you all had a great weekend!


Mary said...

Yeah, The Soup is funny. We'll catch it sometimes. I don't love all their jokes all the time though--sometimes they can be pretty nasty. You know the Style Network has The Dish, sort of a sister show to The Soup, except they make fun of only fashion-type things. It's hosted by Danielle Fishel.

Ooh, all pink Starburst would be so good! One time I picked up a bag of pinks, reds, and two other pinkish flavors--watermelon and fruit punch, I think. My tongue was very red that week :)

I like Never Been Kissed too. Josh isn't thrilled by most chick flicks, so I don't get to stop and watch it on TV.

Moz + Pam said...

I, too like Never Been Kissed! It's a family thing! ;)