Saturday, May 2, 2009

A few more pictures of that kid

Just a few more pictures from last week. This one is from my mom... Ari and Mahmon Bazorg were playing the piano together.

And a few from my sister-in-law Jess... Ari and Micah playing together...

And a 4-generations shot where we're all smiling. Too bad we're not all looking in the same direction, though. That's what happens when you've got more than one camera pointed at you.

These last 2 pictures were taken by me, specifically at Ari's request... she climbed up on the stool and said, "Mommy, take my picture!" How could I say no?

Yes, she insisted on having her hands in her mouth for this one...

And that's all I've got. It's a gorgeous spring day, so I think I'm going to go take a walk while Ari naps.


Mary said...

Your kid is cute! And boy, her hair is soooooo curly!!

Moz + Pam said...

Can you email me that picture where everyone is smiling? Thanks!

dave + jess said...

cute kiddo you have there!