Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tea party tantrum and dizzy dancing

Last night, in between shopping trips to Target and the grocery store, I spent a little time with Ari in her room. I got the bright idea to grab my camera and take a couple videos, but Ari wasn't quite as thrilled about it as I'd hoped.

In this first video, I was trying to have a tea party with her. She cooperated somewhat grudgingly--as though she was only doing it because I was making her. As you can see, we obviously need to work on the proper way to hold a tea cup (and I suppose this shows that she is nowhere near ready to graduate from a sippy cup to a real cup). Then I got brave and decided to snatch her binky. It took her a second to process what I'd done--she did pretend to be taking a sip, even though she didn't have a cup in her hand (that's what the blowing sounds are). But then she realized she was binky-less and promptly threw a little fit (though, to her credit, she did give me a grumpy "please"--that's what that "meeee" sound is). And once she had her binky back, she ditched the tea party entirely. I guess this is what I get for videotaping right before bedtime.

Then Tony joined us, and suddenly, Miss Thing was in a much better mood. Here, she's dancing to the music on her piano (note the slightly-crazed look in her eyes--yep, that's my kid). I tried to get her to say "so big" but to no avail. Then you'll see the side effects of all that spinning when Tony tells her to go play her piano.


Mary said...

She's not that attached to her binky, is she? Maybe just at night, when she's ready for bed.

What a goober, spinning all around and making herself dizzy. Maybe she's just excited about all the room she had to move around now :)

Eden said...

Oh, she is soo cute! I loved her grumpy please!