Ari turned 18 months old on January 3...
I wrote a dreamy little entry about wanting to take a cruise for our 10-year anniversary, never thinking it would actually happen.
I finally got back to my pre-pregnancy weight! (Took me long enough, right?)
Tony surprised me with 50 long-stemmed roses at work on Valentine's Day...
We got a much bigger tax return than we anticipated and realized we actually could go on a cruise for our anniversary.
We took a trip to New York City to see "Rent" for Tony's birthday.
My nephew Matthew was born, to my sister Mary and her husband Josh.
We found an anonymous $200 cash in our mailbox one Sunday when we got home from church...
We saw Cirque du Soleil's Kooza with several friends--the 4th Cirque show we've seen.
Tony and Ari took a trip to visit his family for his mom's birthday, leaving me home alone to contend with
killer bumblebees and dead mice.
I flew to Ohio to visit my sister and meet my new nephew Matthew...
I joined Twitter, which has become one of my favorite websites.
I got an awesome Mother's Day gift from my mom--a photo collage. First time I ever saw myself in Ari...
I did my first "Day in the Life" entry (which ended up being a 2-parter). I'd link you, but all the picture links are broken. But here's a taste of the coolness you're missing out on...
I finally got around to finding a regular (i.e. not OB/GYN) doctor and had a physical for the first time in over 10 years.
I had my first-ever MRI (due to my migraines and other symptoms) and it turns out I'm normal in the head. (*insert jokes here*)
Ari turned 2 years old on July 3...
My friend Kim her adorable kidlets came for a weekend visit...
Our old college friend Steph and her adorable kidlets also came for a weekend visit (different weekend, though).
We celebrated our 10th anniversary on August 1.
I flew to California to see my brother Steve graduate from language school...
My nephew Micah was born to my brother Dave and his wife Jessica...
I got my annual review at work--it was glowing, as usual, plus I got a raise. They love me.
Left for our week-long Caribbean CRUISE! (FYI, that link takes you to the first of 10 entries regarding the cruise.)...
Still cruising...
Tony finally got around to getting a new wedding band...
I started my "101 in 1,001" list (which is still a work in progress).
All my married siblings came into town for Thanksgiving, and we celebrated Christmas together and enjoyed watching all the cousins interact...
I turned 32 years old.
We visited Tony's family for Christmas.
And, there you have it--2008 in a neat little package. Here's to 2009 and all the surprises it may bring...
love this awesome review!!
Enjoyed this year in review. Hope there's another family gathering in 2009!
Nice review. You sure travelled a lot this year. And the killer bumblebees--I totally remember those.
I think I've been influenced by you and Eden enough to do my own look back at 2008.
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