Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Half my life

It was at dinner on Friday night that it struck me, and I have no idea why. But I suddenly yelped "Oh!" out of nowhere.

Prompting him (of course) to reply, "What?"

"It's past June 13th. Which means..." I paused for dramatic effect. "I can now officially say that I have known you more than half my life."

See, once upon a time (several months ago), we got to talking about how long we've known each other. And then one of us (me) wondered out loud if we could figure out exactly how long we've known each other. Which led to the realization that I've known him almost half my life. Which led to doing a little more math to figure out exactly when I'd pass that halfway point. We met in early September 1994. I was 17 years, 9 months old. So I figured out (with help from him) that once I passed the 35 years, 6 months mark, I would be able to say that I have known him longer than I have NOT known him.

June 13th was that halfway point. Which means now I can say I have known him just slightly more than half my life.

(He's going to have to be 39 before he can say the same.)

Half my life. Kind of mind-blowing, isn't it?

And dorky. I know. But I thought it was neat and deserved to be documented somehow.

So... here's to the next 17 years and 9 months.

(No, I am not doing the math to figure out how old I'll be then.)

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