Sunday, August 30, 2009

A point for originality

Just more randomosity...

Our babysitter was on vacation last week, so Tony had Ari home with him every day. Wednesday, I took Ari with me when I went walking with Dawn, to give him a break. He ended up walking out the door at the same time as us, to take out trash, so he stopped by the car on his way back in to make faces at Ari and say bye to her. After he walked away, as I started backing up, Ari gave a little sigh and said, "I miss him."

When we got home that evening, as I was unlocking the door, she wrapped herself around my leg and declared, "Mommy, I'm so proud of you." She is such a goof.

So I think my elbow is finally completely healed. It's still a bit tender if I poke at it, but I can lean on it more normally now. And I discovered that I have a nifty little scar too. Scars are cool.

I found out last week that a couple in our church climbed Mt. Washington. So I adopted the "Well, if they can do it, I can do it" mentality and declared that I'm going to climb Mt. Washington too. Of course, this summer is almost over, and with everything else going on, I probably won't get to it this year, so it would be next summer at the soonest. Which gives me plenty of time to get myself in mountain-climbing shape. Or to change my mind.

Speaking of getting into shape, I've been slowly easing back into my exercise routine. I'm not sure why I slacked off in the first place, but I'm glad to be getting back into it, since my laziness was starting to show, if you know what I mean. I went for a walk the other night after Ari was in bed, and it was such a cool night that I was shivering a little at first. I did my usual 2 laps around the apartment complex (which is 1 mile total) and when I came back and remembered we had no milk, I headed out to do 1 more lap (there's a gas station right beside our apartment complex). So, not only did I get a bonus lap in, but I got a slight arm workout on the way home (hey, a gallon of milk gets pretty heavy after a few minutes).

I've been listening to the "Hairspray" soundtrack (the movie version) lately, and I've got to say... "You Can't Stop the Beat" is a hard song to sing along to. Very fast, and there aren't a lot of places to take a breath. Not that I ever need to worry about singing it anywhere other than my car, but I'm just saying.

Tony calls me at work the other day...

Me: Hello?

Tony: I need to know if you are afraid that aliens are going to attack us.

Me: Wha...??

Tony: (slowly repeating himself) I need to know if you are afraid that aliens are going to attack us.

Me: (confused) What in the--

Tony: Because there are not 1, not 2, but 3 different cups here on the kitchen counter, all with just a little bit of water in them...

Me: (starting to understand) Ohhh...

Tony: So I just needed to know--

Me: (laughing) Yeh, yeh, I know... like in the movie "Signs." I don't know why they're there. I guess I forgot about them. You know I do that.

Tony: How could you not notice that you already had 1 or 2 other glasses already out?

Me: Is this the only reason you called me?

Tony: Um...

Me: Oh. My. Gosh.

One more thing, for my fellow English nerds, from the greatest comic strip EVER...


Mary said...

Wow, your elbow is just now getting to feel better? I guess the small injuries can be the deepest and last the longest.

Josh and I were talking about getting into hiking. It would certainly be a good workout, but I told I'd be willing to do walking trails. None of these mountain sides that require ropes and climbing gear. I don't want to get into it that much :)

Moz + Pam said...

I thought your elbow was better already...I guess not! Good for you getting back into your workout mode! LOL to Tony's conversation to you @ work! You two are just slightly goofy! ;)