Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of school

First day of school was today!

Of course I made a point of getting her dressed early so that we could take plenty of pictures before she left. She wanted one with Sharla, of course…

And then we had to do some with Mommy and Daddy…

And then some with just her…

This is one of my favorites…

At this point, it was a couple minutes before noon. Afternoon kindergarten starts at 12:30, and since we had no idea what time the bus would be there, we made sure we were outside early. And it was a good thing too… no sooner had we taken that last picture than the bus pulled up. It was totally empty, which must mean she’s the very first stop. We were a little startled, and didn’t want to hold up the bus, and she was eager to go, so as soon as it stopped, she bolted right on, and I snapped this picture…

The bus driver was sweet, though… if you look at that picture, you can see she is getting Ari’s attention, which resulted in her turning around and me getting a slightly better picture.

She took a seat right behind the driver, and poof… just like that, she was gone. I didn’t cry… probably because it all just happened so fast. We didn’t even hug or kiss her goodbye, heh. But I think I would have been fine either way. And it was probably better that we didn’t drag it out.

We walked to the school to pick her up at the end of the day, and I snapped a couple pictures on our way back. Here you can see her backpack, the one we scored for free at orientation.

And then I grabbed this shot, another favorite of the day…

Once we got home, she chattered our ears off all about her first day. I think it’s safe to say she loved it.

Oh, and after dinner, we worked on her first school project… an “about me” poster. Not the greatest picture, but you get the idea.

My kidlet is a kindergartner, you guys!


Eden said...

Oh, I absolutely love that you posted pics of her first day of k5!!! LOVE All of them! Sorry, I don't check the blogs very often b/c there are only rare postings, but I love it when you post!

So glad Ari enjoyed her first day!

We haven't been posting because it seems that family doesn't read it and that was the whole point. To stay in touch and give a glimpse of our lives far away from everyone else, etc.

Moz + Pam said...

Glad she enjoyed her first day of school!